Meet the Architects
- Initial Concept work by Adrian Majkrzak
- 3D Model by Mark Van Haitsma
- Name & Flavor Text by Jill Scharr
- Lore Tab by Seth Dickinson
- Sandbox Design work by the whole Bungie sandbox team
- Special acknowledgment for the Championing by Jon Weisnewski & Josh Hamrick
The tweet that started it all for me
Tidy. #PS4share
— Jon Weisnewski (@sharkeatsman) January 16, 2018
Halo: Reach’s M319 Grenade Launcher
Bungie’s last game before Destiny 1 was Halo Reach and it included a break action, breech-loading grenade launcher very similar to Fighting Lion. If Halo’s Rocket Launcher was the newb tube, then the Grenade Launcher was the Pro Pipe.
![Side View](/assets/images/propipe1.png)
![First Person View](/assets/images/propipe2.png)
Read more on the Halo Wiki.